About Us

Safety, Quality Assurance and Traceability on-farm food safety program is in place here at Purple Haven.  Our program covers production practices from field and greenhouse to finished product–assuring that quality assurance, product safety and traceability are in place, and we have a certification from CHSNC (Herb, Specialty Agriculture and Natural Health Product Coalition) CHSNC (Herb, Specialty Agriculture and Natural Health Product Coalition) Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) certification is a quality standard in the agriculture and natural product industries.


Blessed to be  Lavender Farmers

We are located about an hour and half from Toronto and a hour from Niagara Falls on the north shore of Lake Erie, and on the Grand River, in the small farming community of Canfield, in Haldimand County.
Our passion and love of nature brought us to farm country. The next questions was so now what? 
 With a love and passion for flowers and herbs, with Lavender at the top of that list, we thought so why not start a Lavender farm!
We love the work so it is more like play for us than hard work. But it is still work after all. We run and operate the farm all by family. We have three generations living on the farm. That’s right! My son and his wife and my young Grandson and Granddaughter  all live here on the farm. My son and husband work full time off the farm and my daughter in law and myself run the daily operations of Purple Haven.
The smell of lavenders sweet fragrance and beautiful purple violet flowers under the summer sky is one of the most calming and relaxing sensations. We feel blessed to be Lavender Farmers.

But if you look beyond lavenders aroma, you'll find that there's more to it than meets the eye – or shall I say your sense of smell. That is one of the reason we started to produce our own line of products. We know the benefits of Lavender and we want to share with everyone. 
Our other reason for making all natural products came when our Grandson was born. Of course like all Grandparents we wanted the best for him and his mother and I started looking closely at labels. We wanted something better for our family, so began the process of making our own all natural products.
We are sure you will love our products as much as we do!
Kim Drew
Owner Purple Haven Lavender Farm


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(Good Agriculture and Collection Practices Certification)